Fire Marshall
The question that Debbie has posed in regards to her official LOG title is of interest, notwithstanding the fact that she mis-punctuated it. The matter at hand is simple, and it is one that I believe you, Debbie, have already figured out. Put rather succinctly, it is obvious that Debbie should be our official fire marshall because she has on her hands a fire "head." The beauty of this is that the term "head" can be replaced with another choice word if desired. And Debbie, it is up to you, as official fire marshall to put this fire out.
As I recall, I started that fire.
Jimbo, at 1:28 PM
And yes Holly, I agree with you that Debbie does not understand the fire reference. That does not mean that she would not like to put it out. I, for one, believe that she does want to put it out badly. But if she knew what we are thinking now, I think she would wish that she had never posted such a risque comment for all of us to read.
Jimbo, at 1:31 PM
mmmmmmm... chocolate covered debbie. I'll be dreaming of that tonight!
Jimbo, at 6:18 PM
This is the most-commented-on LOGblog post of all time.
Jimbo, at 10:49 PM
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