I can't take it anymore
Hello everyone,
The friendliness, nostalgia, and good-naturedness displayed in recent posts has led me to say "I can't take it anymore." I joined LOG based on the three sound ideals of Sarcasm, Making Fun Of People, and Debbie. I think those ideals are no longer part of the benevolent monster that LOG has become. Therefore, on account of the afore-mentioned reason, coupled with the fact that I am soon going to a country where blogs are banned, I will be retiring from LOG for now (and perhaps permanently).
Fare ye well, and may God have mercy on our souls. I trust that The Bee will more than fill my shoes as LOG's SEO and token black guy.
Boney B
P.S. I love you guys! You girls are awesome, and Jimbo you have been the best roomie ever, and also Johnny thanks for being the honorary roommate! I love everyone in LOG, you guys are the BEST! Not.
The friendliness, nostalgia, and good-naturedness displayed in recent posts has led me to say "I can't take it anymore." I joined LOG based on the three sound ideals of Sarcasm, Making Fun Of People, and Debbie. I think those ideals are no longer part of the benevolent monster that LOG has become. Therefore, on account of the afore-mentioned reason, coupled with the fact that I am soon going to a country where blogs are banned, I will be retiring from LOG for now (and perhaps permanently).
Fare ye well, and may God have mercy on our souls. I trust that The Bee will more than fill my shoes as LOG's SEO and token black guy.
Boney B
P.S. I love you guys! You girls are awesome, and Jimbo you have been the best roomie ever, and also Johnny thanks for being the honorary roommate! I love everyone in LOG, you guys are the BEST! Not.
He has to stop blogging actually. I have removed his account from the LOGblog.
Jimbo, at 7:48 PM
He is unable to rethink his decision. His account on the LOGblog has been permanently deleted.
Jimbo, at 11:09 PM
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