I'm all about bringing the blog back
It's about time this thing got up and running again. Good suggestion, Holls. And Natbot, way to follow through with the brilliant idea. Well, I think it's safe to say that we all had a good time this weekend. Although, I cannot speak for Andy because I didn't see him. But it looked like everyone else had fun. After having my flight cancelled, Johnny's near-death experience, sleeping on a cot, and having my train catch fire, the weekend went as smoothly as one could have expected. Natalie, thanks for putting up with me; Rich, thank you for the hospitality. (Wait, does he even read this?) Holly and Debbie, thanks for being Mexican. John, thanks for the Panda. Anyway, I guess I'm back in LA now and I made it back without a hitch. Surprisingly enough. I guess I'll be back in South Bend on Friday night. Hopefully it won't snow as much this time. Maybe just enough for a little good ole fashion King of Snow Mountain. Happy Anniversary, LOGers. It was on this date in 2004 when the madness first begun. TTYL. Okay bye.

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