LOGblog: The Blog for LOG

Thursday, June 17, 2004

I Heart Mother Earth

Take a look at this sweet ride.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

"Jimandi Corp, How may I CORP you?"

A Google News search for Pope John Paul II may surprise you.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Did you know that non-LOGers visit The LOG Blog?

The LOG Blog is ranked sixth on a Google search for "curious george tayshaun".

It is ranked 11th on a Google search for "soap suds fountain prank".

It is ranked 14th on a Google search for "ndtoday".

Last, but not least, The LOG Blog is ranked 1st on a Google search for "debbie scrafford is hot".

Aren't you glad you're reading The LOG Blog today?

Yours truly,


Jimandi Corp. Gets Wired

Jimandi Corp., parent company of the LOG Blog, now has a home online at www.dotmarketer.com.

In terms of people-count,

Jimandi Corp. = 1/2 of LOG.

In terms of gross weight,

Jimandi Corp. = 2/3 of LOG.

Jimandi Corp. also = 1/4 of LOB,
and 1/2 of TLBBBBB:tBfLBBBB.

Yeah, yeah!

Yeah, you'll bring your robot. I'll bring my robot. We'll all bring our robots. We'll have a whole stable full of robots. And then we'll program 'em. We'll program 'em good. We'll program 'em hard. Yeah, we'll program 'em everyday. And then, we'll get some heroine, and we'll stick it in our arms.

Fire Marshall

The question that Debbie has posed in regards to her official LOG title is of interest, notwithstanding the fact that she mis-punctuated it. The matter at hand is simple, and it is one that I believe you, Debbie, have already figured out. Put rather succinctly, it is obvious that Debbie should be our official fire marshall because she has on her hands a fire "head." The beauty of this is that the term "head" can be replaced with another choice word if desired. And Debbie, it is up to you, as official fire marshall to put this fire out.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Boney Boney Boney

Congratulations to Nakul and Deepika, who gave birth to twins. Here is how Boney found out:

nakulsweb: Hi Boney
nakulsweb: we will talk a lot later today your time
nakulsweb: I have been busy with some personal stuff
nakulsweb: talk in detail asap
chowyunfatND: what type of personal stuff? I hope youre not an expecting father!
nakulsweb: wow
nakulsweb: you are good at guessing dude


I think it's about time that we all had official titles, now that we're an official club. LOG, that is.

Jimmy - Il Duce
Natalie - Chief Mariner
Johnny - Omsbudperson
Holly - VP of Robotics
Andy - Sergeant at Arms
Debbie - Fire Marshall

Sunday, June 13, 2004

The Pope Blog

Please welcome to our family the newest blog from jimandi corp- The Pope Blog, in honor of our beloved Pontiff. Email me if you want posting rights. And, in case you were wondering, I barely meet the height requirement to be in the Swiss Guard. Righteous!

Post #199

It is CC time over here at the LOGblog. Welcome to Post #200! Let's all celebrate!

Ha! You've been duped! The real 200th Post is here.

Post #198

This is a filler post.