LOGblog: The Blog for LOG

Saturday, July 03, 2004

LOGblog: The Blog for LOG

can we reskin this site i am tired of this template. please.

also, clearly LOG's dead.

Google Search: groundhog posion

I just thought everyone should know that I checked the visitor statistics and I noticed that we got a referral from Google Search: groundhog posion. We come up fifth thanks to Debbie's misspelling. Way to go, team!

Friday, July 02, 2004

Spotted - another ND collaborative Blog!

The Shrine of the Holy Whapping is maintained by five ND students on Blogspot's servers.

Their description:

"Catholic Nerds" at the University of Notre Dame share their thoughts on Catholic identity at ND, cultural reviews, and other musings (or "moosings," as the case may be) with the rest of the world.

They are seemingly more religious than our own LOG, although they are not into Groundhog-worship.

Your friend,


Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Could we please...

burn this stupid blog to the ground?

Have you seen this penguin?

I remember a time when I used to be a happy child. Moments such as these were not uncommon. My penguins and I used to be inseperable.

But one day, I awoke to a terrible surprise. Perhaps it was that I had been at the Derby too long. Or maybe I should not have accepted that kidney donation from Pac-Man after all. Whatever it was, I was feeling a bit nauseous. The loves of my life, my precious penguins, were missing. I was lost and had nowhere to go. I could no longer hide my shame. I was exposed as the fraud, the deviant as some may say, that I really was.

Days later, I received the most shocking news of all: the legendary Imposter was behind it all. The one who had befriended my Guin and I had turned to be our foe. Not only had he kidnapped the Guin, but he also had run off with my football and my prized hat. In the ultimate act of defiance, he wore it in an inverted fashion and cocked slightly off center.

Although I couldn't prove it at the time, I also suspected that this strange-looking fellow may have played some role in this affair as well:

In any case, the future of the Guin that I had sworn to protect would now be in the hands of my rather keen gumshoeing abilities. My goal was to find him at all costs. I was to take no prisoners.

To be continued...

The Bee

I would like to file a complaint. This is the complaint: the fact that a person is only eligable to be roomate of the month if they weigh less than 150 pounds. Jimbo explained the rule himself, saying "The rule is designed so only me and Natalie can ever be roomate of the month." I think any full member of LOG should be eligable. Although I will probably never win this award (being an SEO and all) I would like to think that it is technically possible for me to win even if I weigh over 200 pounds.

It should be said that Jimbo later corrected himself, admitting that the other two girls were indeed under the weight limit. I however still think this rule is unfair. It was clear designed to eliminate John E., Boney and The Bee from being chosen as roomate of the month and as such should be repealed. I also think we need to reform the committee, perhaps by rotating board members.

Monday, June 28, 2004

PopeBlogGate: Jimandi Corp slandered by another blog!

I'm not sure if you all are sick of hearing about The Pope Blog's latest developments, but someone on another web site has authored a conspiracy theory involving Jimandi Corp and the Pope blog. As Jimandi Corp's PR officer, I was of course greatly offended. Here's an excerpt:

While the Pope Blog looks like the project of a student at The University of Notre Dame, a little more digging has revealed it is actually the work of a pair from Jimandi Corp - a marketing company - according to this article on PR LEAP.

Despite the fact that "A representative from Jimandi Corp stated that the company would not attempt to secure any revenue from the Web site" and the site is only inspired by an interest in the Pope, the cynic in me can't help but think this is a clever way of getting some exposure for their company.

The entire post is much longer. If you're interested, click here for the original post.

Warm Regards,


World B***** F***ing Week

A google search for 'ncalnd' shows the LOG Blog as the first result! The following is an excerpt from the second result (Scroll to the bottom).

NCALND - Annette Piner reported that the week of August 1st will be World Breast Feeding Week. Governor Hunt has signed a proclamation in recognition of this event.

Sunday, June 27, 2004


Hi everyone, It's your friendly neighboorhood SEO, Boney!

Boney just got back from Albuquerque. Fun times, the brothers paid for all my food and Brother Fran even gave me a 50 dollar bill! Since I was last at the motherhouse, the brothers added lighting to the mausoleum and adopted two dozen canaries which had some babies. We stopped at the Grand Canyon on the way back and let me tell you oh man that is one big hole in the ground, but seriously it was beautiful. Ok I love you byebye

Warmest Regards,
