Saturday, January 29, 2005
My favorite AFSID
besides tow (terence ow) is either mpoffenb or dscraffo (debbie, so hot right now). Bit's is pretty terrible (jatkins1) and mine is nothing to write home about either (jhagans). By the way mjohnsto, no one thinks it's funny when you just leave without telling anyone. In fact I had a huge surprise party planned for you last night but you never came so i had everyone leave and then i just sat in the dark and ate the entire cake by myself.
Now I'd like to end this post with a line we can all depreciate:
"Bit, I wish you wouldn't Bot so much, Bit!"
Boney B.
P.S. check out Andy Hagans' (aka Zhou Run Fa's) new Web site
Now I'd like to end this post with a line we can all depreciate:
"Bit, I wish you wouldn't Bot so much, Bit!"
Boney B.
P.S. check out Andy Hagans' (aka Zhou Run Fa's) new Web site
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
I'm all about bringing the blog back
It's about time this thing got up and running again. Good suggestion, Holls. And Natbot, way to follow through with the brilliant idea. Well, I think it's safe to say that we all had a good time this weekend. Although, I cannot speak for Andy because I didn't see him. But it looked like everyone else had fun. After having my flight cancelled, Johnny's near-death experience, sleeping on a cot, and having my train catch fire, the weekend went as smoothly as one could have expected. Natalie, thanks for putting up with me; Rich, thank you for the hospitality. (Wait, does he even read this?) Holly and Debbie, thanks for being Mexican. John, thanks for the Panda. Anyway, I guess I'm back in LA now and I made it back without a hitch. Surprisingly enough. I guess I'll be back in South Bend on Friday night. Hopefully it won't snow as much this time. Maybe just enough for a little good ole fashion King of Snow Mountain. Happy Anniversary, LOGers. It was on this date in 2004 when the madness first begun. TTYL. Okay bye.