LOGblog: The Blog for LOG

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Breaking News

Rich Sucks

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Ban Rich Now

This post is to announce the official kickoff of the Ban Rich Now (BRN) Campaign. It is the opinion of the BRN Tribunal that Rich, who has not posted to the blog in well over a year, should lose his posting privileges. A survey has been drafted for the purpose of naming a new candidate to replace Rich to the Blogger Administration. All current and former LOGblog members are invited to participate in the survey, the results of which will be announced next Monday, on the first of November, along with the Groundhog of the Month selection. The survey appears below.

Who should replace Rich on LOGblog: The Blog for LOG?

a. a dead cat
b. Curt Schilling's sock
c. a piece of skunk meat
d. Jamie
e. a rock

Monday, October 25, 2004


Wayne Gretzky, the interstate highway that runs north-south in Pennsylvania from I-76 in Bedford to I-80 in State College, bottles of beer on the wall, 99-cent stores, and now the current number of days left in the countdown. Here's to you, 99. What a number you are! And I would like to take this moment to congratulate time, that often forgotten fourth dimension in our universe, that unstoppable force that cannot be contained (unless you're travelling at light-speed). Without it, we never would have trekked from 365 to 99 so soon.